
New Summer Session Gymnastics Classes – June 22-July 31

May 6th, 2015

Our gymnasium is now air-conditioned! As a result, we are offering a limited selection of gymnastics classes during the summer in addition to our traditional summer camps. Space in summer session classes is extremely limited. Please note that due to the limited number of spots available during the summer session makeup classes, refunds, credits and proration will not be offered.



Parent/Tot | Ages 2-3 | Tuesday 5:45-6:30 PM | $92.10
Children participate with a parent or caregiver. Activities include exploration time, sing along, circle time and more.

GymKids I | Ages 3-4 | Tuesday 4:30-5:15 PM | $92.10
Children must be ready to separate from a parent or caregiver and have listening skills and the ability to follow basic directions.

GymKids II | Ages 5-6 | Tuesday 4:30-5:20 PM | $101.10
Children develop body awareness, strength, flexibility and basic gymnastics skills. For children entering Kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year.




Level I | Monday 4:30-5:25 PM | $104.10

 Level II | Monday 5:30-6:25 PM | $104.10

 Level III/IV | Wednesday 4:30-6:30 PM | $180.00




Beginner Tumbling* | Monday 4:30-5:25 PM | $104.10
No experience necessary.

Advanced Tumbling* | Monday 5:30-6:25 PM | $104.10
Participants are required to do a back handspring.



Summer Session Regstration
A registration form and liability waiver must be completed by a parent or legal guardian for each participant before beginning any class. There is a 10% discount on each additional gymnastic class of the same or lower price taken in the same session by a student and/or each additional family member.

A registration fee must be paid once from September through August of each year for each participant. No discounts apply to the registration fee. The fee for each participant beginning in Session 1 is $30.00, Session 2 is $25.00, Session 3 is $20.00, Session 4 is $15.00 and summer camp/session is $5.00. Class and registration fees must be paid in full before the first day of class.  All prices subject to change.

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