
Remembering Bob Schultz (1954-2015)

October 3rd, 2015

BobSchultzA message from Tom Ford, Head Coach and Owner:

It is with great sadness that I share news of the death of my close friend and fellow coach, Bob Schultz. He passed away on Friday, October 2nd surrounded by his family.

Bob was a beloved husband, father and grandfather. I offer my heartfelt condolences to his wife, Debbie, and the rest of his family. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers during this incredibly difficult time.

This is an extraordinary loss for the Central Bucks family and the entire gymnastics community. Bob and I spent nearly forty years coaching side-by-side. He was one of my best friends and my right-hand man in the gym. He poured his heart and soul into Central Bucks Gymnastics. His passion and love of the sport will live on through the countless gymnasts and coaches he influenced and mentored throughout his career.

I encourage all Central Bucks gymnasts present and past to remember that Bob taught you to be tough, disciplined and resilient, but more importantly he taught you to love and support your teammates unconditionally. Please reach out in support of one another as we celebrate Bob’s life and grieve this tremendous loss.


  1. Ria Sharpe says:

    So, so sad to hear of the passing of Bob,
    He was one of my best friends for many years and we had many good times together bonded by the great love of gymnastics,
    Will miss him dearly,


  2. Linda Johnson says:

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Bob’s family and friends, and the whole Central Bucks organization as we process this tremendous loss. Bob will be remembered as a great coach, great friend and great role model for our sport. I will remember his passion for the sport, fun spirit, and camaraderie with so many in Region 7. He will be sorely missed in our region!
    Linda J

  3. Jackie Wolchko says:

    We have all lost a little piece of ourselves.

  4. Kim says:

    Mr Bobby taught me when I was little and my daughter from the age of 4 to fourth grade. He was a wonderful man whose dedication was beyond compare. A huge loss to the Doylestown community. We are so sorry for this incredible loss.

  5. Natalie stacchini says:

    There are few people in this world that can make a positive difference in the lives of athletes. We are truly saddened by the loss of this phenomenal man and coach but his legacy will live on in each of the girls he coached in the past 40 years. Coach Bob will always be a great part of the scalese family and our prayers are with his family through this difficult time.

  6. Jessica Magri says:

    I am not sure if you remember me, Ford, but I used to be one of Bob’s gymnasts. I am incredibly sorry to hear about your loss and I am deeply saddened by the news. You and Bob were both important influences on my gymnastics career while I practiced at CB for 10 years. He put so much dedication into his gymnasts and had such passion for the sport, and I always respect him for that. He played a part in helping me become the woman I am today, and for that I am forever grateful. He and I weren’t exactly on the best of terms when I left the gym, but I will always remember how much he believed in me and how he always pushed me to be the best gymnast I could be. My thoughts go out to the Schultz family during this incredibly difficult time.

  7. Annemarie Bergey says:

    Such incredible sadness I feel today. All the memories come back as I read Facebook posts from my fellow teammates. Prayers and strength to his family, friends, and the gymnastics community.

  8. Bob was a wonderful person. Knowing Bob over the last 20 years through gymnastics as a colleague and a friend was a pleasure. He will be missed greatly.

  9. Tina (Agostino) DePrisco says:

    I feel blessed to have had him play such a big part in my life. I hope we all take a little bit of him with us in all we do…He was a gift to us all.

  10. Bill Stewart says:

    Many years ago, Bob and I were competitors and close friends. The best part of that relationship was our friendship, the sharing of training young gymnasts, and his constant pursuit of excellence. He did it well, always with a smile and he changed lives. RIP Bob.

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