The Mini Meet provides gymnasts in Session 2 GymStars Level I, II, III and IV classes and the Developmental Program with an opportunity to experience what it is like to participate in a meet complete with spectators, judges and ribbons. Gymnasts perform routines and skills on floor, balance beam, vault and bars that they learn and practice in class. Routines and skills are based on USA Gymnastics standards. Gymnasts are judged and scored by experienced Central Bucks coaches. An awards ceremony will be held at the conclusion of the Mini Meet. Every gymnast will receive one ribbon per event and one ribbon for an all-around score. Spectators are invited to watch free of charge.
Registration/Payment Deadline | January 17, 2015
Mini Meet Open Gym | January 31, 2015
Mini Meet | February 7, 2015
The Mini Meet will begin at 1:00 PM. Two sessions may be required depending on participation. A detailed schedule will be distributed about two weeks before the Mini Meet.
We will hold an Open Gym exclusively for Mini Meet participants on Saturday, January 31, 2015 from 12:30 to 2:00 PM. Parents are welcome to observe from the bleachers. Siblings are not permitted to participate. Advanced registration and payment for Open Gym are required by January 17, 2015.
Download and return the registration form to the office with payment by January 17, 2015 to register for the Mini Meet.