Central Bucks Gymnastics won first place at the Level 9 Pennsylvania State Championship in Williamsport, PA on March 28-29, 2015. Central Bucks had a team score of 112.475. Gina Martino won first place on the uneven bars and balance beam on the way to winning first place all-around in her division with a combined score of 36.975.

Back row (left to right): Tom Ford, Jenna Roche, Carla Ceralde, Tori Van der Gaag, Sarah Klapper, Arden Hudson, Savona Cerra, Juliann Terry, Bob Schultz, Tiffannie Zimmerman, Steve Rosinski. Front row (left to right): Chrissy Flannery, Emma Silberman, Gina Martino, Haley Zarett, Grace Busch, Emma Mangiacapre, Melissa Ginaldi. Not pictured: Clint Polchan, Haleigh Clark and Emily Engeland.